I'm digging everything you appear to be..
And I'm wondering if we could be real good good friends..
Location: Maoz
Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01
Lipstick: LUXREBEL - Starlit Lipstick Pack (GENUS)
Hairbase: L'Etre - Genus Zoe hairbase [FATPACK]
Hair: HoMAGE -- Khourt : SUPREME (Sponsor) (NEW)
Wearing Maitreya Lara
Lingerie: .BF. Evangeline - Bloggers *Maitreya* *Freya/HG will be added soon* (Sponsor) (NEW) @Frou Frou
Mainstore after the event: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AMERICAN%20BAZAAR/72/207/26
Necklace: LEIJIN // Leijindary Seehorse Pendant - SUPREME (Sponsor) (NEW)
Earrings: - shanghai - Alexandria Earring Gold
Nails: ~GD~Doll Natural(Cardis Claws) - Maitreya Bento Hands (Sponsor)
Rings: Amala - The Atara Stacking Rings
Drink: :::ChicChica::: DrinkOnMyOwn Champagne props (Sponsor)
Pose: FOXCITY. Bebe Bento Pose Set