I try to hide it in my face..
And it don't work, you see through..
That I just wanna get with you..
And you're right..
Shape: Valley Girls - Evo X Briannon Gemini *Kupra, Freya, Ebody Reborn* LIMITED* (NEW)
Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Aeonian
Hairbase: PTNM - "Athena" (NEW) @Level
Hair: HoMAGE -- Almeda : SUPREME
Lipstick: Purple Beauty - Glam Glossy Collection (Lelutka EVO)
Wearing Inithium Kupra
Dress & Bracelets: MAJESTY - Isis Dress [white] *Kupra, Freya, Legacy, Maitreya* (Sponsor) (NEW) @Dream Day
Mainstore after the event: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River%20Village/216/195/2561
Headdress: MAJESTY - Lizzo Headdress [diamond] gold (Sponsor) (NEW) @Dream Day
Mainstore after the event: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River%20Village/216/195/2561
Nails: // L // - trick&treat - (NEW)
Pose: FOXCITY. Breather Bento STATIC Pose Set Vol1