My neck game match my wrist game..Flawless victory like I'm Liu Kang.. Backdrop: SAYO - Blow Roller Rink Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses (Genus Omega) Hairbase:...
Can I get a refill? Yeah, of your time.. Cause you’re intoxicating my mind.. D e c o r ------------- House: Onsu - "Breeze" Hou...

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Showin Out
Bring out that savage like RiRi..I'm good for your body, you need me.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses (Genus Omega) Hairbase: //G.- Jayda Hairbase Hair: little...
Do you love the taste? Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: LUXREBEL - Starlit Lipstick Pack (GENUS) Hairbase: E. Vary Lena Hairbase for [Omega] Hair: :::Phoenix::: Christel Hair Blogger&Friends (Sponsor)
On the Way
Sending pictures from my phone and flooding up your data base..Cause I don't be waiting for, for nobody but you.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses (Genus Omega)
I Can Love You
Who's gonna make you feel the way I do? Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: LUXREBEL - Autumn Daze Lipstick (Genus) Hairbase: MASK - Frontal Hairbases (Omega) Hair: HoMAGE --...
Until Then (I Imagine)
I imagine myself on my knees..Waiting for you to come over and see me.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: Prada Beauty - Viva Glam Collection (Genus) (NEW) @Access Hairbase: E....
7 Rings
I want it, I got it.. Backdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Cozy Bedroom (Blush) Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: LUXREBEL - Autumn Daze Lipstick (Genus) Hairbase: {Vaydia} Alani Hairbase...
Officially Missing You
And today..I'm officially missing you.. Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses (Genus Omega) Hairbase: SIIX// Russian Hairbase Hair: *ARGRACE* Akane - Dark Browns Wearing Belleza Freya ------------ Lingerie: Dhoma - Joanne Lingerie...
Go Gina
I belong to nobody, hope it don't bother you..You could mind your business..I belong to nobody, try not to disturb or..Mind my business.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses...
Do you, do you, do you got a crush on me?'Cause I got one on you.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses (Genus Omega) Hairbase: MASK - Frontal...
Sippin' bubbly, feelin’ lovely, livin' lovely..Just love me.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 Lipstick: //G.- Kathy Glosses (Genus Omega) Hairbase: L'etre- Kylie Hairbase Hair: RAMA.SALON - Melanie Hair 'EXCLUSIVE' RARE...
Freakum Dress
'Cause when he act wrong, that's when you put it on.. Get him uptight, this is your song.. Hold out your back, time to impress.. Pull out your freakum dress.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh...
Purple Kisses
I love it when she put them pretty lips on me.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 ------------ Lipstick: LIVIA::Brilliant Gloss [Genus] *Catwa, Genus, Lelutka, Omega* (Sponsor) (NEW) @ GlOSS by Flair for Events...
Nights Like This
Can you tell me what's with all this distant love?If I called, would you pick it up?On some nights like this, I just wanna text you, but for what? Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner...
What about La Perla? Let Vickie keep her secret..Boy, it ain't no secret if I know you're gonna peep it.. Eyeliner: Action Mesh Eyeliner 01 ------------ Lipstick: [MJN] FirstClass Mattes {BLOGGER} *Catwa/Genus/Omega*...
latest posts
- | 0 CommentsRefill
Can I get a refill?Yeah, of your time..Cause you’re intoxicating my mind..D e c o r -------------House: Onsu - "Breeze" House (NEW)https://marketplace.secondl...
- | 0 CommentsHomebody
Don't like no outside chick, he like a home body.D e c o r -------------House: Onsu - "Breeze" House (NEW)
- | 0 CommentsFisherrr
I'm a baddie, so I know them other *CENSORED* ain't impressin' you..And I been a baddie since a youngin, this ain't nothin' new..D e c o r -------------Closet: Ange...
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