"Shooting stars all around her, fire, cometsI could bring her through and shut 'em down, Onyx.."
Backdrop: BIGBULLY Facade Backdrops Vol. 1 - Metal Folds RARE
Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Keme (NEW)
Skin: .: .:Mai Bilavio:. Chanel SPF35 (NEW)@Collab
Shape: Personal (not for sale)
Eye Liner: Bossie. bold eyeliner set [catwa]
Lipstick & Eyelashes: HUWE COSMETICS - PACK MATTE COLLECTION (Catwa) (Sponsor) (NEW)
Dimples: Izzie's - Dimples
Hairbase: L'Etre - Kylie Hairbase
Hair: little bones. Ion - The Blend
*Wearing Belleza Freya*
Dress: D.LUX Leticia Dress - FATPACK (Sponsor) (NEW) @Tres Chic
Fur: .:villena:. - Rose Bud Fur Jacket - Black (NEW) @Kustom9
Bag: (New): The Boy Bag - Fatpack (NEW) @N21
Choker: RAMA - Shine Away Velvet Choker 'Black'
Nails: ~GD~J Star's Ringed(Baddie Claws) - Maitreya Bento Hands
Heels: Essenz - Serbia (All colors)
Rings: Kibitz - Tropicana rings - gold (NEW) @N21